Mountain Bike Knowledge

The Mountain Bike Monitor – The basis for successful mountain bike tourism

9. March 2021
Since 2015, the Mountain Bike Monitor has established itself as a knowledge base and strategic decision-making tool for mountain bike tourism in many destinations within the German-speaking world. With the 2018 survey, we were able to gain profound insights into the target group, their values and desires as well as their behavior. Sinus-Milieus provide information about the values and desires of mountain bikers and are easily integrated into other studies and the specific strategies of any destination.
Mountainbike-Monitor 2018 Titelblatt

The results of the MTB Monitor 2018 can be linked to the DESTINATION BRAND 16 benchmark study on the thematic competence of German destinations by inspektour, Hamburg. In this way, representative results on the potential interest of the German population in mountain biking as a vacation topic and on the competitiveness of German mountain bike destinations are incorporated into the MTB Monitor 2018. Another new feature is the use of the Sinus-Milieus approach in collaboration with the Sinus Institute in Heidelberg.

The results of the survey provide sound knowledge about the four main target groups of mountain bikers. They shed light on specific supply requirements – especially with regards to infrastructure – and point to approaches for addressing them in marketing. Demand potentials can be predicted with knowledge about the size of target segments.

Available for the first time in this format, the MTB Monitor 2018 provides an important cornerstone for needs-based product development, calculating the market potential of offers, and successfully addressing target groups.

The focus is on the following questions from a destination perspective:

  • Where is an investment worthwhile?
  • How big is my market?
  • How do I market my offer?

Sie haben Interesse am Mountainbike-Monitor?

Nehmen Sie zum MTB-Monitor 2018 und 2020 Kontakt mit uns auf!

MTB-Kongress 2019 - 190509 - 370
MTB-Kongress 2019 - 190509 - 369
Mountainbike-Monitor 2018 Repräsentative Daten
MTB-Kongress 2019 - 190509 - 368

Is the MTB Monitor something for me?

The findings of the Mountain Bike Monitor ensure investment and decision-making security in the development of tourist mountain bike offers.

The MTB Monitor 2018 is definitely something for you if you ...

  • want to gain an overview of mountain biking and the market
  • want to develop a feeling for the target group of mountain bikers
  • want to understand the wishes and requirements of mountain bikers
  • want to get to know the different segments of mountain bikers in detail
  • want to professionally implement concrete projects in MTB tourism
  • want to develop mountain bike projects in a professional and structured way from the very beginning

Contents of the Study

... are designed to provide those responsible for MTB tourism development with practical solutions. It is a handbook with answers to the most frequently asked questions and arguments.
In seven chapters to success.

Despite the best conditions in Europe, the mountain bike tourism industry is still in its infancy. The Mountain Bike Tourism Forum Germany has set out to change this. Together with industry stakeholders, we want to leverage the potential and establish Europe as a world-class MTB destination. As the organizer of the annual Mountain Bike Tourism Congress, the Forum serves as a know-how and networking platform for the MTB tourism industry.

This chapter presents the work of the Mountain Bike Tourism Forum and gives an insight into its vision of mountain bike tourism 2030.

How much do you want to know?

Base Modules

The most important information for anyone who wants to get a general overview of the market, the target group of mountain bikers and the industry from a tourism perspective.

  • Chapter One: The Mountain Bike Tourism Forum Germany
  • Chapter Two: Mountain Biking in Germany
  • Chapter Three: The Study
  • Chapter Four: Central Results
  • Chapter Five: Sinus-Milieus
Additional Modules
Individual Evaluation for Destinations
Market Position
Market Potential
Individual Workshop for your Destination

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