A global overview of the quality, processes and the effects of biking.

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schraml // Forest Research Institute Baden-Wurttemberg
„Climate change is altering forests and challenging forestry operations in ways previously unknown. In the course of the so-called forest restructuring, special attention should be paid to the growing importance of forests for recreation and sports. This includes technical and organizational measures, but above all it means that explaining the ongoing measures and a successful dialogue with recreationalists of all activities must become core tasks of every forester.“
- How to mediate between different stakeholders.
- Why a recreational forest is important for society.
- How mountain bikers can contribute to the preservation of our forests.
About Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schraml
All things Forest - Prof. Dr. Schraml is the director of the Forest Research Institute Baden-Wurttemberg and teaches forest policy and wildlife management at the University of Freiburg. His professional focus on the forest as a recreational area for health and leisure time activities, conflict management in forest recreation, species protection and sustainability management as well as his positions in politics and consultation qualify him as the ideal dialogue partner for the topic that we encounter again and again in mountain biking - the sustainable use of our forest.